Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Righting the Ship, Sort Of...

     It seems like every post I read or everything I hear is just complaint after complaint. I'm guilty of this myself because it's like I said before, hypocrisy is every man's portion. But as a people, as a society, we can't be completely backsliding, right? I mean, we have to be turning some things around. So as a man who believes more in the power of observation than on any reliance to the often misleading world of statistics, I'll list off a few things that from what I've observed, we're getting better at.
     For starters, sticking our gum where it doesn't belong. Not the largest of social problems, but as a people, I'd argue from a purely observational standpoint that we're taking better care of our gum. If we're becoming more conscientious of where we put this formerly masticated treat when we're finished with it, imagine what else we can accomplish.
     Speaking of accomplishments, Pizza. Look at how far this formerly humble treat has risen. (Dough pun definitely intended.) It's gone from a saucy, dough-like snack for immigrant dock workers to a delectable staple of my questionable diet. Plus, how much more can they stack on these things? Pizza is everywhere, and we're throwing so much stuff on it or in it that quite frankly, I'm excited to see what comes next. Pretty soon we'll have pizzas that connect to our iPods, get netflix, or serve as a “short-term” 4G hot spot.
     If that's not enough for you, new flavors of Mountain Dew are coming out constantly, garage sales have taken to the internet, dating is as easy a few clicks, information is at our fingertips, Oscar worthy movies are being released in September, reality television allows the talentless to become rich, and the witless to become famous, bird leashes are a thing, microwavable bacon exists, advancements have allowed us to dream of getting fit from our rocking chairs, dollar menus, mars rovers, healthy dog foods, three dimensions, and so much more. While this world may not be ideal, and our society long past expecting equality or change, we are making some advancements. In the grand scheme of things, they don't really amount to much, but I don't live in the grand scheme of things, I live right now. And although our big problems are looming over us like a retractable awning, I say there's nothing wrong with taking a break from the pessimistic and the cynical and letting ourselves indulge in all the benefits of right now.


  1. I will be honest: I enjoy your analysis of how far society has come. Particularly in pizza. The mainstreaming of pizza is easily the best societal advancement of the past century.

  2. You are absolutely right! Society as a whole is so negative we should focus on the positive no matter how small! I agree with you on the evolution of the pizza.

  3. Good job with the last paragraph, shortening the examples as they went on to create a hectic effect and a feeling that there is so much more to tell.

    But enough of that literary bullshit. You should also add electric banjos to your list.

  4. There are bird leases? I find this simultaneously terrifying and fascinating. Microwavable bacon is pretty much Heaven on earth. Now they even have things that help you make hard-boiled eggs!


  5. Haha, I've seen those on TV. At first I thought, "How stupid is that, who has trouble hard boiling eggs?" And then I realized, "Wow, that looks much more convenient." I almost bought them, and I don't even hard boil eggs.

  6. Microwavable bacon? Part of the experience is the smell, the hissing in the pan, the excitement of the family buzzing around getting ready to start the day.

    Great job with the last paragraph list...love lists.

  7. This post made me realize just how many amazing things there are in this world that I don't fully appreciate. Namely microwaveable bacon. Mmmmmmmmmmm. So unhealthy yet so easily delicious.
