Saturday, September 10, 2011

New Post, New Look

     So, I decided to give this blog a little facelift. When first making the blog, it was sort of a matter of getting the thing done on time, deadlines and so on. But now that I've had some time to think about what direction I want this blog to go in, I've decided to implement some new ideas. One of which, and probably most notably, is the pseudonym. I was going to use it before, but just never got around to changing it. However, since I'm doing a little maintenance, may as well do it now. Also, I've decided to change up the title. The original title of the blog was designed to spark a topic sentence for me, which would lead into all of my blog posts. But for once, I'm feeling optimistic that I'll get the hang of this, and I don't think I'll need anything like that. If anything, the new title might give the blog more personality than it had before, and in the end, might leave me open for more idea opportunities than the previous title.


  1. I just connected "just a stones throw away..." and a "glass house" and created this brilliant noise and picture in my head. It reminded me of a summer when I was younger, I would go over to a house being developed in my neighborhood and I would throw dirt clogs and chunks at the walls and in puddles and oops! maybe his a window or two :) oh the young summer days!

  2. Your blog now looks like a Victorian basement. Very Jason.

  3. Score one for optimism! Also, another point for wordplay and puns. Everyone loves puns. As far the overall look, I dig the pattern. The color is a little blinding, but whatever. Dig it.

  4. Pleaseeee don't take this the wrong way, from a vintage lover this is a serious compliment - the background pattern totally makes me think of sweet retro grandma wrapping paper. I expect there to be like, a complete works of Shakespeare under it. Love it!

  5. I never got around to seeing the old blog, but I like the title and look of this one. I agree with Sami about the retro grandma wrapping paper, and it definitely makes your blog stand out.

  6. Yes! I enjoy seeing the evolution here. It shows much more care and investment and I think readers will feel that, too. Grandma wallpaper--funny! I was actually thinking it looked kind of mod!
